You Are About to Learn the Blessing (and Sometimes Hurt) of Serving as a Burden Bearer…

And why Burden Bearing is so very important to the difficult times we live – and the people you love.

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Do you Sometimes Feel Overwhelmed by the Burdens of Others?

You May Be a Gifted Burden Bearer…

In these chaotic times, people everywhere are struggling and looking for someone to confide in. If you find that those closest to you are increasingly turning to you for encouragement and support, it’s possible that you are walking in the gifting of a Burden Bearer – perhaps without even realizing it.

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2-5

Signs You May Be a Burden Bearer:

  • You are more inclined to listen than to speak in conversations ◦ “He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.” – Proverbs 17:27
  • People feel comfortable opening up to you and sharing their struggles
  • You are highly discerning and sensitive to others’ behaviors and reactions
  • You feel deeply burdened by the hurts of those around you

Discover the Blessing (and Sometimes Hurt) of Serving as a Burden Bearer In our free e-class, you’ll gain vital insights to help you navigate this challenging but essential calling:

  • Understanding why you feel overwhelmed by others’ burdens – and how to find comfort
  • Recognizing why people are drawn to share with you (it’s a gift!)
  • Gaining courage and strength in your faith to persevere
  • Learning to release the burdens you carry in a healthy way
  • Healing your own deep hurts to better serve others
  • Continuing to love unconditionally in a self-centered world

Your sensitivity and compassion are sorely needed in these difficult times. Let us equip you with the knowledge and tools to fully embrace your identity and calling as a Burden Bearer.

Get FREE Instant Access Now Just provide your name and primary email address to sign up. Your information will be kept 100% confidential, and you can opt out at any time.

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Burden Bearing is so very important to the times we live – and the people you love. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to use your gift to bless others while staying healthy and whole.

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Are you someone who feels deeply drawn to helping others carry their burdens? Do you find that people often open up to you about their struggles and pain? If so, you may be a Burden Bearer – someone uniquely gifted and called by God to bring hope, healing, and support to those who are hurting.

Introducing “The Heart and Practice of Burden Bearing” – a transformative 6-part course that will equip you to:

  • Understand the biblical basis and significance of burden bearing (Lesson 1)
  • Cultivate the heart of empathy and compassion that is essential for effective burden bearing (Lesson 2)
  • Navigate the challenges of burden bearing with wisdom, discernment, and healthy boundaries (Lesson 3)
  • Harness the power of prayer and intercession to support those you are called to serve (Lesson 4)
  • Overcome the obstacles of compassion fatigue and burnout, ensuring a sustainable and fulfilling ministry (Lesson 5)
  • Embrace burden bearing as a pathway to your own spiritual growth and transformation (Lesson 6)

Through engaging teaching, practical insights, and powerful stories, this course will help you:

  • Deepen your understanding of God’s heart for the hurting and broken
  • Discover the unique gifts and calling God has placed on your life as a Burden Bearer
  • Develop the skills and practices necessary to effectively bear others’ burdens with wisdom and compassion
  • Grow in your own faith and character as you participate in God’s redemptive work

Whether you are a seasoned ministry leader, a compassionate friend, or someone just beginning to explore your calling as a Burden Bearer, this course is designed to meet you where you are and equip you for the journey ahead.

You’ll have access to:

  • 6 comprehensive video lessons, each exploring a key aspect of burden bearing
  • Downloadable workbooks and reflection guides to help you apply the principles to your life and ministry
  • A vibrant online community of fellow Burden Bearers, offering support, encouragement, and shared wisdom
  • Bonus resources, including interviews with experienced Burden Bearers and guided prayer and meditation exercises

Don’t miss this opportunity to dive deeper into the heart and practice of burden bearing. Join us for “The Heart and Practice of Burden Bearing” and discover how God can use your unique gifting to bring hope, healing, and transformation to a hurting world.

Enroll now and start your journey towards a more fulfilling, impactful, and Christ-centered life as a Burden Bearer.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” – Psalm 55:22

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Mauris id turpis a erat pharetra tempor ?

Donec eu est quam. Quisque id neque vitae massa commodo tincidunt sit amet eu orci. Nullam eu purus bibendum, euismod turpis sit amet, faucibus est.

Maecenas semper convallis libero at euismod. Aliquam sit amet ipsum laoreet, elementum leo ut, posuere est. Etiam mattis, est id venenatis hendrerit, metus metus condimentum odio, vel vestibulum orci enim quis leo. Nullam auctor sapien augue, a ornare nisl ultricies vitae. Proin porttitor augue quis tortor aliquet, quis ullamcorper massa tempus.

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Donec eu est quam. Quisque id neque vitae massa commodo tincidunt sit amet eu orci. Nullam eu purus bibendum, euismod turpis sit amet, faucibus est.

Maecenas semper convallis libero at euismod. Aliquam sit amet ipsum laoreet, elementum leo ut, posuere est. Etiam mattis, est id venenatis hendrerit, metus metus condimentum odio, vel vestibulum orci enim quis leo. Nullam auctor sapien augue, a ornare nisl ultricies vitae. Proin porttitor augue quis tortor aliquet, quis ullamcorper massa tempus.

Mauris id turpis a erat pharetra tempor ?

Donec eu est quam. Quisque id neque vitae massa commodo tincidunt sit amet eu orci. Nullam eu purus bibendum, euismod turpis sit amet, faucibus est.

Maecenas semper convallis libero at euismod. Aliquam sit amet ipsum laoreet, elementum leo ut, posuere est. Etiam mattis, est id venenatis hendrerit, metus metus condimentum odio, vel vestibulum orci enim quis leo. Nullam auctor sapien augue, a ornare nisl ultricies vitae. Proin porttitor augue quis tortor aliquet, quis ullamcorper massa tempus.

Mauris id turpis a erat pharetra tempor ?

Donec eu est quam. Quisque id neque vitae massa commodo tincidunt sit amet eu orci. Nullam eu purus bibendum, euismod turpis sit amet, faucibus est.

Maecenas semper convallis libero at euismod. Aliquam sit amet ipsum laoreet, elementum leo ut, posuere est. Etiam mattis, est id venenatis hendrerit, metus metus condimentum odio, vel vestibulum orci enim quis leo. Nullam auctor sapien augue, a ornare nisl ultricies vitae. Proin porttitor augue quis tortor aliquet, quis ullamcorper massa tempus.