The Life of a Burden-Bearer


Burden-bearing is one of the highest callings...
for one who has devoted their life to being Christ-like. A "Burden Bearer" is a calling to lay our lives down for others.

The "Calling" is found in Galatians 6:2:

Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

This law that Christ established was the law of loving one another. Christ laid down His life and took up the burden of the sins of all mankind. Therefore, He was the Greatest Burden-Bearer. It takes love for another to lay your life, your schedule, and your own needs down for another.

According to Galatians it is the greatest form of love.

Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friends.

We are all to love others and serve them by sharing their burdens, but God has gifted some people to be able to hold their heart open and feel the enormity of suffering and pain that others are going through. A person who has been gifted as a "Burden Bearer" may find life difficult when they feel so much pain all around them, but their Call is to serve the Lord, therefore they are only to carry the burdens that are given by Him.

The greatest burden bearer

Surely our grief He bore and our sorrows He carried (Isaiah 53:4 NAS)

A Burden Bearer must learn from Christ - the Greatest Burden Bearer - how to minister and serve others by bearing their burdens. God is the only one who can do anything about the burden, so a burden bearer is the connector between others and the Lord by bringing the burdens to Him. Many times all they are to do is take the burden and release it to the Lord in prayer.

We were so burdened with pain and sin that we needed Christ to come and take our burden on the cross. The same is true when we are bearing the burdens for others, their burden is so heavy that they need someone to come alongside and help them carry the burden to the Lord.

What a wonderful opportunity and Blessing it is to serve others as a Burden Bearer. Do you sometimes feel the burden that others carry in such an intense way, that you actually hurt yourself? When you visit with friends, do they often "unload" things that are hurting them without even being prompted?

In our next class, we'll learn more about how a Burden Bearer "draws" the burdens of others- and how that pain needs to be dealt with.

Until tomorrow...

Rest in Him